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General Ophthalmology and Emergency Eye Care
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- General Ophthalmology and Emergency Eye Care

Our general ophthalmology care provides diagnostic, treatment and follow-up management covering the full spectrum of eye diseases. The care we provide incorporates care coordinators who work closely with you to ensure you receive the best patient experience, under the expert care of skilled eye doctors and surgeons.
We offer comprehensive ophthalmology services, from general eye exams to treatment of complex eye conditions, including commonly used ophthalmic eye medication. s You don't have to worry about seeking out specialists—you've already found them. .
Unlike simple vision screening, which only assesses vision, a comprehensive eye exam includes a complete evaluation of both the health of your eyes and vision. Normally performed by an ophthalmologist (eye doctor), comprehensive eye examinations use specialized eye equipment to asses; vision quality, how your eyes work together, general health, corneal health, retina/ optic nerve, and retinal blood vessel functions An eye exam may involve these or more steps:
- Preliminary tests include;
Measurement of your vision quality (visual acuity) to ascertain if it’s within normal range or if further evaluation is required; evaluations of depth perception, color vision, eye muscle movement, peripheral eye vision, and the way your eyes respond to light and eye pressure
ii.Slit-lamp examination, performed by your doctor, utilizes equipment that enables magnification and a three-dimensional view of the eye structures in detail.
iii.The ophthalmologist may then perform a dilated eye exam. Eye dilation is a process where special eye drops are used to relax the muscles of the eye so as to widen (dilate) the pupil to enable your eye doctor examine the health of the retina and optic nerve and rule out any eye problems, e.g diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
Additional testing may be needed based on the results of the initial examination to provide a more in-depth assessment. This supplementary testing is available at our diagnostic and eye imaging unit.
Schedule an appointment with us for your comprehensive eye check-up.Call us today and have our customer care representative help you make a booking that’s convenient for you.
Eye imaging is a painless process that involves the use of special cameras and scanners to make magnified digital images of various parts of the inside of the eye. These tests are usually performed separately in each eye and can be used to determine the extent or severity of an eye disorder. The following eye imaging tests are available at our center;
Corneal Topography-
This test maps and measures the shape of the cornea and can also be used to fit contact lenses as it measures corneal curvature. It is also commonly used to evaluate the stage of keratoconus. Laser vision correction/Refractive surgery cannot be performed without corneal topography as it assesses the suitability of the candidate to undergo the procedure.The test takes approximately 5 min per eye with test results available immediately.
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
This imaging technology is used to obtain high-resolution cross-sectional images of the retina and aids in the diagnosis of various retina and optic nerve conditions, such as glaucoma, macular edema, macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease, optic nerve swelling(oedema) to mention a few. The test takes a couple of minutes with results available immediately.
Endothelial cell count (ECC) – (Specular Microscopy)
The corneal endothelium is a single layer of cells in the innermost surface of the cornea. Our corneal endothelial cells decrease as we age and also following surgical procedures. The measure of the density of these cells is known as endothelial cell count and is carried out prior to cataract, glaucoma, and refractive surgery. Corneal endothelium cell count at our center is a noncontact, painless and quick test, and usually takes a couple of minutes per eye.
Fundus photography-
Photographs of the back of the eye (fundus of retina) are used to document eye conditions such as macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, optic nerve disease, and other retinal conditions
Fundus photography takes a few minutes and may require the pupils to be dilated prior.
Visual Fields Testing
A visual field test is a method of measuring an individual’s scope of vision both central and peripheral. The visual field is the area that a person can see at any one time at a fixed forward gaze. It maps the visual fields of each eye individually and can detect blind spots as well as more subtle areas of dim vision.
Visual fields testing is used as a screening and diagnostic tool for glaucoma; It is also used in detecting brain tumor, optic nerve damage, and other neurological and systemic diseases.
At our Center, we utilize the Humphreys Visual Field Analyzer, a computerized system that maps out the visual fields. The test duration is approximately 10-15 min per eye.
- A- scan
A- scan biometry is a test that measures specific dimensions of the eye, using an ultrasound device. This test provides data that can be used in the calculation of intraocular lenses. A-scan can also detect various conditions affecting the retina and orbit.
B scan Ultrasound
B-scan ultrasound is a tool used for diagnosing lesions in the posterior of the eye(retina and vitreous), when the ocular media (cornea, lens) are cloudy. The B scan can detect tumors – e.g retinoblastoma & melanoma of the eye; blood/pus in the vitreous; retinal detachment, enlarges muscles among others