Before 20/20
Having glasses was never my most favorite of things. I had worn both glasses and contacts for about 14 years, dating far as back as my high school years and I was exhausted with the limitations of wearing glasses daily. That I had to wear them to see better was one thing, but wearing them also meant that I would have to bear with scarring on my nose bridge.
The desire to get rid of them had motivated me to research laser vision correction and in 2021 I scheduled my first consultation for Lasik evaluation at Eagle Eye Laser Center.
The path to 20/20
Eyes are a very sensitive organ and I was terrified of losing my sight if something went wrong with the procedure. I was put at ease with the Doctor’s explanation of laser vision correction being a safe treatment with very low rate of complication and never an exclusive cause of blindness. They walked me through my fears and didn’t get tired of answering whatever questions and concerns I had prior to and after my procedure. An added benefit to my decision to go ahead with the treatment was my mums wonderful experience at the center, when undergoing a successful surgical treatment.
My surgery was smooth sailing as my doctor encouraged me and talked me through the whole procedure. I did not have any discomfort during the procedure and was given adequate medication to minimize any discomfort after the procedure. The recovery journey has also been quite pleasant as I had no complications and followed the doctors’ instructions carefully, so I am now fully recovered. For me, the service I received from both nurse and doctor were excellent
20/20 vision - Check √√
It has been a year since I had my procedure done and I do not regret it one bit. I am contact and glasses free and I am thoroughly enjoying it. The only glasses I wear now are my sunglasses, which is what I always wanted
Malita Makotsi